Route Optimization API


Route optimization can be performed simply by using the Dispatch() method.  Dispatch method takes 2 parameters as input and returns optimized results for each vehicle.

We must attach the web reference to our project:

First, we create a vehicle with Start/Finish address.  The following is a SOAP example.

                   dispatchRequest = new TestInternal.ts.DispatchSpecification();

                    // Add a vehicle and use start/finish address of vehicle to create the route
                    dispatchRequest.Vehicles = new TestInternal.ts.Vehicle[1];
                    TestInternal.ts.Vehicle v = new TestInternal.ts.Vehicle();

                    v.Name = "V1";
                    v.StartLocation = new TestInternal.ts.Location();
                    v.StartLocation.Address = new ts.Address();
                    v.StartLocation.Address.Street = "6718 Whittier Avenue";
                    v.StartLocation.Address.City = "McLean";
                    v.StartLocation.Address.State = "VA";
                    v.StartLocation.Address.PostalCode = "22101";

                    v.FinishLocation = new TestInternal.ts.Location();
                    v.FinishLocation.Address = new ts.Address();
                    v.FinishLocation.Address.Street = "1309 Vincent Place";
                    v.FinishLocation.Address.City = "McLean";
                    v.FinishLocation.Address.State = "VA";
                    v.FinishLocation.Address.PostalCode = "22101";

                    // assign to request object
                    dispatchRequest.Vehicles[0] = v;

Set our options:


                    dispatchRequest.DistanceUnit = TestInternal.ts.DistanceUnit.Mile;
                    //Set time to min. value if we do not need dispatching by time.
                    dispatchRequest.CurrentTime = DateTime.MinValue;
                    //Set dispatch mode. Possible: Auto, EqualStop, SingleRegion, MultipleRegion , etc.
                    dispatchRequest.DispatchMode = TestInternal.ts.DispatchMode.Auto;
                    //Set distance unit;
                    dispatchRequest.DistanceUnit = TestInternal.ts.DistanceUnit.Kilometer;
                    //Set optimization precision.
                    dispatchRequest.MinimumOptimization = 4;
                    dispatchRequest.IsNeedMatchCode = true;

Add two stops


                    dispatchRequest.Locations = new TestInternal.ts.Location[2];
                    TestInternal.ts.Location locA = new TestInternal.ts.Location();
                    locA.Name = "Stop A";
                    locA.Address = new ts.Address();
                    locA.Address.City = "McLean";
                    locA.Address.Street = "6718 Whittier Avenue";
                    locA.Address.PostalCode = "22101";
                    dispatchRequest.Locations[0] = locA;

                    TestInternal.ts.Location locB = new TestInternal.ts.Location();
                    locB.Name = "Stop B";
                    locB.Address = new ts.Address();
                    locB.Address.City = "McLean";
                    locB.Address.Street = "1309 Vincent Place";
                    locB.Address.PostalCode = "22101";
                    dispatchRequest.Locations[1] = locB;

Call server to optimize the stops from start to finish

                    client.Timeout = 1000 * 60 * 30;//30 minutes
                    DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                    TestInternal.ts.DispatchResult result = client.Dispatch(dispatchRequest);
                    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt);
                    if (result.Status == TestInternal.ts.OperationStatus.Success)
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        sb.AppendFormat("Total Time:{0}\r\n\r\n", ts);
                        //show result
                        for (int i = 0; i < result.Items.Length; i++)
                            TestInternal.ts.VehicleItem item = result.Items[i];
                            if (item.Vehicle != null)
                                sb.AppendFormat("Vehicle:{0}\r\n", item.Vehicle.Name);

                            for (int j = 0; j < item.Locations.Length; j++)
                                TestInternal.ts.Location loc = item.Locations[j];
                                 sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t Match: {1}\t [{2:f5},{3:f5}, {4}, {5:f2}]\r\n", loc.Name, loc.MatchCode, loc.LatLong.Latitude,  loc.LatLong.Longitude, loc.Time, loc.Distance);     // time and distance to next location                      

                        txtResult.Text = sb.ToString();
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        sb.AppendFormat("Total Time:{0}\r\n\r\n", ts);
                        sb.AppendFormat("Status:{0}\r\n", result.Status);
                        foreach (TestInternal.ts.Error i in result.Errors)
                            sb.AppendFormat("{0}\r\n", i.Message);
                        txtResult.Text = sb.ToString();
                        //Show result with error. Some of locations can be skipped or may heppens some errors.
                catch (Exception ex)
