<LocationType>Midway or Start or Finish or Delivery or MidwayDrop or Break</LocationType>
LocationType.Midway must be used for all parcel pickups.
LocationType.Start and LocationType.Finish should be used for vehicle only.
LocationType.Delivery should be used for multi delivery points route only. Read more...
LocationType.Break can block a time window for break, park or any other purpose. Break location type can accept lat/lon or have no lat/lon at all. In case an address or lat/lon is provided, route will be directed to that location. Otherwise, route will continue to next stop with Break time in between. Use the Wait time (seconds) of location to specify amount of time at the Break location type. For BalanceStop and BalanceTime, when there is more than 1 vehicle, you must specify vehicle name in the Vehicle property.
LocationType.MidwayDrop releases cargo Boxes, Volume and Weight. When vehicle reaches MaxWeight, MaxBoxes or MaxVolume, the best MidwayDrop is selected and vehicle is routed there. After a MidwayDrop is visited, cargo accumulates again until either of the Max capacities is reached. At that point the best MidwayDrop is selected again. The process continues until all stops are visited.
Sample locations and their corresponding colors: