
A vehicle object.

Name Value Description
Name null A name of vehicle type of string.
Email null An email type of string.
Group null A group of vehicle type of string.
Speed 0 An integer value specifying maximum speed of vehicle.
MaxStops 0 An integer value specifying maximum stops vehicle can visit.
MaxWeight 0.00 A double value specifying maximum weight.
MaxSkids 0 An integer value specifying maximum skids.
MaxVolume 0.00 A double value specifying maximum volume.
MaxMinutes 0 An integer value specifying maximum time allowed for a vehicle (in minutes ).
OnTheRoad false OnTheRoad.
Tin 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z Tin.
Tout 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z Tout.
StartLocation null Required. A Location object specifying start position of vehicle.
FinishLocation null Optional. A Location object specifying finish position of vehicle.